林炯博士,中国科学技术大学,于2022年9月15日16:00在物质科研楼C座11层1124做题为“Effective Renyi reflected entropy for general 2d eternal black holes”的报告, 欢迎感兴趣者参加。

Topic: Effective Renyi reflected entropy for general 2d eternal black holes

Speaker: Dr. Jiong Lin

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, ThursdaySept. 15

Abstract: In this talk, I will first give an introduction from information loss paradox to newly proposed island formula. To further study the entanglement structure between Hawking radiations, one should resort to some entanglement measures such as reflected entropy. In this context, we will first develop a geometric scheme to simplify the calculation of effective Renyi reflected entropy for general 2D black holes + CFT matters in large central-charge limit. Using this scheme, on the one hand, we study the difference between reflected entropy and mutual information. In particular, our results show that there are nontrivial tripartite entanglements within Hawking radiations. On the other hand, we find the inconsistency between two island formulas for entanglement negativity (with Renyi index n=1/2) proposed in arXiv:2012.03983.