Topic: The Principle of Maximum Conformality Correctly Resolves the Renormalization-Scheme-Dependence Problem
Speaker: Prof. Xing-Gang Wu
Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, November 7
Abstract: The Principle of Maximum Conformality (PMC) has been suggested in 2011. Its purpose is to achieve precise fixed-order pQCD predictions, free from conventional renormalization-scheme and renormalization-scale ambiguities. In this talk, I show some of its recent progresses, especially clarifying a serious misinterpretation and consequent misuse of PMC. Thus, the PMC, based on the standard renormalization group invariance, has a rigorous foundation, eliminates the factorially divergent renormalon contributions as well as the unnecessary systematic errors which underly high-precision pQCD predictions.