Tao Zhu, Uniform asymptotic approximation and the non-adiabatic evolutions of primordial perturbations, Dec.6,2019 2019-12-06
Ian McArther, Branes and the Spacetime Supersymmetry Algebra, Dec3,2019 2019-12-03
Hua-jia Wang, Barrier from chaos: operator entanglement dynamics from reduced density matrices, Nov.29,2019 2019-11-29
Hong-wei Yu, Quantum corrections to the classical Newtonian interactions, Nov.14,2019 2019-11-14
Yun-gui Gong, The frequency response of gravitational wave interferometers, Nov.7,2019 2019-11-07
Shun Zhou, Renormalization-group Approach to Matter Effects on Neutrino Oscillations, Oct.24,2019 2019-10-24
Hui Luo, Analytic Form of the Three-loop Four-gluon Scattering Amplitudes in Yang-Mills Theory, Oct.17,2019 2019-10-17
Dan Xie, Non-conformal 4d N=2 theories(Tsinghua University), Oct.8,2019 2019-10-08
Wen-bin Yan, 4d N=2 SCFTs, Hitchin Systems and Vertex Operator Algebras, Sep.24,2019 2019-09-24
Yi Yin, Adiabatic hydrodynamization: the pre-history of hydrodynamic modes in rapidly-expanding quark-gluon plasma, Sep.19,2019 2019-09-19
Zhao Li, Improving measurement on Higgs-gluon effective coupling, Sep.12,2019 2019-09-12
Zhou-jian Cao, Gravitational waveform template and beyond, Sep.6,2019 2019-09-06
Song He, Entanglement and chaos in 2D CFTs and the deformations, Sep.5,2019 2019-09-05
Xin Wang, Blowup equations for 6d SCFT's, Sep.3,2019 2019-09-03
Shigeki Sugimoto, Strong Interaction and Holography, Jun.28,2019 2019-06-28
Shigeki Sugimoto, 2 dim QED and String Theory, Jun.27,2019 2019-06-27