


Research Interests

Jian-Xin Lu


String/M-Theory, Gravity and Supergravity, Grand unified theory

Li-Ming Cao


Black Hole, String Theory

Gui-Jun Ding


Particle physics theory

Dao-Neng Gao


Theoretical Partical Physics

Min-Xin Huang


String Theory, String Cosmology , AdS/CFT

Chiung Hwang


Quantum Field Theory and String Theory

Ming-Zhe Li


Cosmology, Partical Physics, Gravity

Qun Wang


Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics

Yang Zhang


Scattering ampltiudes, perturbative QCD, Integrability, Computational algebraic geometry

Shuang-Yong Zhou


Effective Field Theory, Gravity, Particle Physics, Cosmology

Yi  Cheng


Intergratable System, Conformal Field Theory, Free field theory realization of W-Algebra

Qin  Chen


Theory of Submanifold, Geometrical Theory of Integratable System

Sen  Hu


Geometry, Topology and its relation with Quantum Field Theory

Chen Chen

Tenure-track Assistant Professor

Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics

Xin Wang

Tenure-track Assistant Professor

String Theory and Quantum Field Theory



Adjunct & Guest Professors:


Employment Period


Research Interests



Honorable Professor

String Theory, Black Hole and Microscopical interpretation of Black Hole Entropy, 

p-brane, S-brane, Ads/CFT Correspondence.

Yong-Shi Wu


Zhao Zhong-Yao Lecture

Professor of Physics

String Theory, Chern-Simons Gauge Theory, Fractional Statistical and Quantum

Hall Effect Yang-Baxter Equation, Noncommutative Geometry and Noncommutative

Field/String Theory.

Chuan-Jie Zhu


Adjunct Professor

String Theory, W-Algebra and W-Gravity, Noncommutative Field Theory in 

String Theory, 2-Loop Computation in Superstring Theory.

Yi-Hong Gao


Adjunct Professor

String Theory, Noncommutative Spacetime and QFT on Fuzzy Manifold,

Holographic Principle, String Theory Origin of Cosmological Constant.

Rong-Gen Cai


Adjunct Professor

Gravity and Cosmology, Classical and Quantum Physics of Black Hole, Evolution of

Early Universe, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Superstring Theory and Supergravity.

Xiao-Gang He


Guest Professor

Particle Physics Phenomenology (CP Violation, B-Meson, K-Meson Physicsand SUSY 

Particle Physics), Particle Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics.

Zhi-Zhong Xing


Adjunct Professor

Neutrino physics, the origin of Fermion masses, CP violation and

matter-antimatter asymmetry, B and D physics, new phyics phenomenology.




 Nan Zhang     Gabriel Luz Almeida    Yuan-Tai Wang    Yue-Zhang Tang


PhD/undergraduate Students:

Long-Yue LiHao XuJun-Hao LiYe-Heng TongRou-Rou MaGuo-Dong Zhang
Gao-Fu RenYu WuDong-Yu HongYu-Xuan KangAng LiWen-Kai Nie
Yu-Sen ZhouFei-Yu YangYong-Qun XuXiu-Yuan ChenJie RenYuan-Ming Mao
Zhuo-Hui WangFu-Ming ChangXia-Yuan LiuMing-Fei JiWen-Tao YuYi-Ling Wang
Jiang-Li WangHao-Xiang YuanHao-Ting LiChang-Zhi YiWen-Tao FuJia-Jun Tan
Chang HeXin-Han HuangChang Lei


Graduated Students:

Hua Bai

Bo Ning

Rong-Jun Wu

Zhao-Long Wang

Shan-Shan Xu

Xiao-Dong Li

Rong-Xin Miao

Chao Wu

Yi Sun

Yang-Jun Ou

Jian-Fei Xu

Xian-Fu Wang

Da Zhou

Wen-He Cai

Yu-Xuan Peng

Xin Wang

Yu Wu

Qiang Jia

Yu-Jia Wang

Xiao-Xiao Kou

Hao-Min Rao 

Zhi-Hao Li

De-Hao Zhao

 Bao-Ning Du

Zi-Hao WuZong-Lin Mo







Former graduate students:

Yi-Fei Chen

Shu Dai

Guan-Nan Zhong

Mi-Xiang Lan

Rui Zhen

Qi-Sheng Zhu

Wei Gu

Zhe Zeng

Su Wang

Hong-Liang Mac

Yi-Cen Mou

Xi Gong

Yong Song

Pei-Xuan Zeng

Rui Zhou










Former undergraduate students:

Qing-Jun Jin

Dong Zheng






Former Postdocs:


Research Interests

Daniel Brattan

Strong coupling system

Xu-Dong Wang

Noncommutative Field Theory

Shuang-Qing Wu

gravitational black holes

Dan-Tao Peng

String/M Theory and Cosmology

Cheng-Bo Guan

Noncommutative Geometry

Hui-Quan Li

String theory and its applications

Fakhar Kamran

Integrable Systems,Lie Algebra & Groups Fluid Mechanics

Yuji Sugimoto

Topological string theory

Avirup Ghosh

Black hole physics

Xiaodi LiScattering amplitudes
Qing ChenEffective field theory

Jiong LinHolographic entanglement entropy,Cosmology
Lintao TanEffective field theory

Former faculty or adjunct professors:



Research Interests

Xiao-Jun Wang

Associate Research Scientist

String Phenomenology, Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory, AdS/CFT Correspondence

Hong Lu

Adjunct Professor

String/M Theory, Supergravity, CFT, W-Algebra and W-Algebra, etc.

De-Hai Zhang

Adjunct Professor

gravity, conformal field theory, supersymmetry/supergravity, string theory, particle cosmology 

(inflation, dark matter, dark energy, CMB, the accelerated expansion of the universe etc)

Miao Li


String/M Theory, Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Its Dual Theory, Matrix Model in String/M Theory

Huan-Xiong Yang

Associate Professor

Conformal field theory and low dimensional integrable systems, superstring phenomenology.

Mu-Lin Yan


Phenomenology, Quantum Gravity, Integratable System, Black Hole Entropy