Faculty Positions:
The Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretic Study at the University of Science and Techonology of China is built for achieving academic excellence in theoretical physics and the related through a program of individual and collaborative researches, seminars, workshops and conferences.
The center now invites applications for a certain number of tenure-track/tenure assistant, associate or full professor positions in the theoretical area of physics beyond standard model with preference to candidates in string/M theory and its connections to particle phenomenology, cosmology and black hole physics. Salary will be competitive plus attractive benefits but the levels depend on qualification and experience.
Applicants should have a Ph.D., post-doctoral experience and a strong record of independent research in the relevant areas. The successful candidate is expected to initiate and maintain a vigorous research program and to be an effective teacher at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
Applicants should send their applications including curriculum vitae, publication list, a brief description of research interests in plain text or tex/latex or PDF format via e-mail to icts@ustc.edu.cn.