Topic: Exact Holographic Euclidean Correlators
Speaker: Prof. Song He
Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, December 28
Abstract: This research delves into the holographic correlators of the stress tensor in a conformal field theory (CFT) on a torus within the AdS3/CFT2 framework. Utilizing the Einstein-Hilbert theory of gravity, we perturbatively solve Einstein's equation, introducing an explicit prescription for a recurrence relation to simplify higher-point correlator computations. Results demonstrate consistency with known CFT outcomes. Extending to the proposed cutoff-AdS/TTbar deformed CFT holography, our study explores holographic torus correlators at a finite cutoff in AdS3, deriving a parallel recurrence relation for higher-point correlators. Additionally, we compute holographic Euclidean thermal correlators of the stress tensor and U(1) current from the AdS planar black hole, solving perturbative boundary value problems in the spirit of Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov-Witten. The linearized Einstein and Maxwell equations are related to the Heun equation, enabling the exact derivation of two-point thermal correlators for U(1) current and stress tensor in the scalar and shear channels.