Topic: Eclectic flavor group ∆(27) ⋊ S3 and lepton model building
Speaker: Prof. Caichang Li
Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, January 18
Abstract: The simultaneous study of modular flavor symmetry and traditional flavor symmetry leads to the concept of eclectic flavor groups which are nontrivial products of modular and traditional flavor symmetries. We develop methods to determine the eclectic flavor groups that can be consistently associated with a given traditional flavor symmetry in a bottom-up way. As an example, we have performed a systematical study of the eclectic flavor group ∆(27) ⋊ S3 which is the extension of the traditional flavor symmetry ∆(27) by the finite modular symmetry S3. We study the general form of the K¨ahler potential and superpotential invariant under ∆(27) ⋊ S3, and the corresponding fermion mass matrices are presented. We propose a bottom-up model for lepton masses and mixing based on ∆(27) ⋊ S3, a numerical analysis is performed and the experimental data can be accommodated.