Preprint | Title | Author | Journal |
USTC-ICTS-16-22 | Refined BPS invariants of 6d SCFTs from anomalies and modularity | Jie Gu, Min-xin Huang, Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor, Albrecht Klemm | JHEP 1705 (2017) arXiv:1701.00764 |
USTC-ICTS-16-21 | Electromagnetic instability and Schwinger effect in holographic QCD with a topological charge | Wenhe Cai, Kang-le Li, Si-wen Li | Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.11, 904 arXiv:1612.07087 |
USTC-ICTS-16-20 | Vortical fluid and Λ spin correlations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions | Long-Gang Pang (FIAS), Hannah Petersen (FIAS and ITP), Qun Wang (USTC), Xin-Nian Wang (CCNU and LBNL) | arXiv:1605.04024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 192301 (2016) |
USTC-ICTS-16-19 | Pseudoscalar condensation induced by chiral anomaly and vorticity for massive fermions | Ren-hong Fang, Jin-yi Pang, Qun Wang, Xin-nian Wang | Phys.Rev.D95(2017)014032 arXiv:1611.04670 |
USTC-ICTS-16-18 | Partial Wave Analysis in Friedrichs Model With Self-interacting Continua | Zhiguang Xiao, Zhi-Yong Zhou | J.Math.Phys.58(2017)072102 arXiv:1610.07460 |
USTC-ICTS-16-17 | Tunnelling phenomenon near an apparent horizon in two-dimensional dilaton gravity | Li-Ming Cao (Hefei, CUST & Beijing, GUCAS & Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.) , Xiao-Zhu Jiang, Yuxuan Peng (Hefei, CUST) | arXiv:1609.08479 |
USTC-ICTS-16-16 | Mechanics of Apparent Horizon in Two Dimensional Dilaton Gravity | Rong-Gen Cai, Li-Ming Cao | Fundam.Theor.Phys. 187 (2017) 31-41 arXiv:1609.08306 |
USTC-ICTS-16-15 | On Friedrichs Model with Two Continuum States | Zhiguang Xiao, Zhi-Yong Zhou | J.Math.Phys. 58 (2017) no.6, 062110 arXiv:1608.06833 |
USTC-ICTS-16-14 | Sound waves in the compactified D0-D4 brane system | Wenhe Cai, Si-wen Li | arXiv:1608.04075 Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) 066012 |
USTC-ICTS-16-13 | Virtual states and generalized completeness relation in the Friedrichs Model | Zhiguang Xiao, Zhi-Yong Zhou | arXiv:1608.00468 Phys. Rev. D 94, 076006 (2016) |
USTC-ICTS-16-12 | Exact Quantization Conditions, Toric Calabi-Yau and Nonperturbative Topological String | Kaiwen Sun, Xin Wang, Min-xin Huang | arXiv:1606.07330 JHEP 1701 (2017) 061 |
USTC-ICTS-16-11 | Alternative Schemes of Predicting Lepton Mixing Parameters from Discrete Flavor and CP Symmetry | Jun-Nan Lu, Gui-Jun Ding | Phys.Rev.D95 (2017) no.1, 015012 arXiv:1610.05682 |
USTC-ICTS-16-10 | A4 and CP symmetry and a model with maximal CP violation | Cai-Chang Li, Jun-Nan Lu, Gui-Jun Ding | arXiv:1608.01860 Nucl.Phys. B913 (2016) 110-131 |
USTC-ICTS-16-09 | Lepton Mixing Predictions from Infinite Group Series D(1)9n,3n with Generalized CP | Cai-Chang Li, Chang-Yuan Yao, Gui-Jun Ding | arXiv:1601.06393 JHEP 1605 (2016) 007 |
USTC-ICTS-16-08 | Leptogenesis and residual CP symmetry | Peng Chen, Gui-Jun Ding, Stephen F. King | arXiv:1602.03873 JHEP 1603 (2016) 206 |
USTC-ICTS-16-07 | Classifying CP transformations according to their texture zeros: theory and implications | Peng Chen, Gui-Jun Ding, Felix Gonzalez-Canales, J. W. F. Valle | arXiv:1604.03510 Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) no.3, 033002 |
USTC-ICTS-16-06 | CP Symmetry and Lepton Mixing from a Scan of Finite Discrete Groups | Chang-Yuan Yao, Gui-Jun Ding | arXiv:1606.05610 Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) no.7, 073006 |
USTC-ICTS-16-05 | Polarization of fermions in a vorticular fluid | Ren-hong Fang, Long-gang Pang, Qun Wang, Xin-nian Wang | arXiv:1604.04036 Phys.Rev. C94, 024904(2016) |
USTC-ICTS-16-04 | Wess-Zumino Model on Bosonic-Fermionic Noncommutative Superspace | Xu-Dong Wang | arXiv:1603.06302 |
USTC-ICTS-16-03 | Phase structures of 4D stringy charged black holes in canonical ensemble | Qiang Jia, J.X. Lu, Xiao-Jun Tan | arXiv:1603.08084 Nucl.Phys. B909 (2016) |
USTC-ICTS-16-02 | Covariant Quantization of BFNC Super Yang-Mills Theories and Supergauge Invariance | Xu-Dong Wang | arXiv:1603.04526 |
USTC-ICTS-16-01 | Electromagnetic fields with electric and chiral magnetic conductivities in heavy ion collisions | Hui Li, Xin-li Sheng, Qun Wang | arXiv:1602.02223 Phys.Rev. C94 (2016) no.4, 044903 |