Preprint | Title | Author | Journal |
USTC-ICTS-14-21 | On the Elliptic Genus of Three E-strings and Heterotic Strings | Wenhe Cai, Min-xin Huang, Kaiwen Sun | JHEP 1501 (2015) 079 arXiv:1411.2801 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-20 | Asymmetries from the interference between Cabibbo-favored and doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed D decays | Dao-Neng Gao | Phys. Rev. D 91, 014019(2015). arXiv:1411.0768 [hep-ph] |
USTC-ICTS-14-19 | Entropic mechanisms with generalized scalar fields in the Ekpyrotic universe | Mingzhe Li | Phys.Lett.B 741 (2015) 320-326arXiv:1411.7626 |
USTC-ICTS-14-18 | Baryons in the Sakai-Sugimoto model in the D0-D4 background | Wenhe Cai, Chao Wu, and Zhiguang Xiao | Phys.Rev. D90 (2014) 10, 106001 arXiv:1410.5549 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-17 | A Note on Instanton Effects in ABJM Theory | Xian-fu Wang, Xin Wang, Min-xin Huang | JHEP 1411 (2014) 100 arXiv:1409.4967 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-16 | A classification of long-range interactions between two stacks of $p$ \& $p'$-branes | Jun Ouyang, Chao Wu | arxiv:1409.0969[hep-ph] |
USTC-ICTS-14-15 | Implication of Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Fine-Structure Constant | Sze-Shiang Feng, Mu-Lin Yan | Int.J.Theor.Phys. 55 (2016) no.2, 1049-1083; arXiv:1504.02050 |
USTC-ICTS-14-14 | Analysis of J /ψ(η c )→γ + invisible decays in the standard model | Dao-Neng Gao | Phys. Rev. D 90, 077501(2014). arXiv:1408.4552[hep-ph] |
USTC-ICTS-14-13 | Lichnerowicz-Type Theorems for Self-gravitating Systems with Nonlinear Electromagnetic Fields | Li-Ming Cao, Yuxuan Peng, Jianfei Xu | Phys.Rev.D90,024046(2014) arxiv:1404.6639[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-12 | General proof of (maximum) entropy principle in Lovelock gravity | Li-Ming Cao, Jianfei Xu | Phys. Rev. D. 91, 044029 (2015) arxiv:1404.6601[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-11 | Energy Spectrum and Phase Transition of Superfluid Fermi Gas of Atoms on Noncommutative Space | Yan-Gang Miao, Hui Wang | SIGMA 10 (2014) 075 arXiv:1402.4606 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-10 | A note on Higgs decays into $Z$ boson and $J/Ψ(Υ)$ | Dao-Neng Gao | Physics Letters B737(2014) 366 arXiv:1406.7102 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-09 | Topological Strings and Quantum Spectral Problems | Min-xin Huang, Xian-fu Wang | JHEP 1409 (2014) 150 arXiv:1406.6178 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-08 | Generating scale-invariant tensor perturbations in the non-inflationary universe | Mingzhe Li | Phys.Lett.B736,488-493 arXiv:1405.0211 |
USTC-ICTS-14-07 | Fluctuations of cosmological birefringence and the effect on CMB B-mode polarization | Wen Zhao, Mingzhe Li | Phys.Rev.D89(2014)103518 arXiv: 1403.3997 [astro-ph. CO] |
USTC-ICTS-14-06 | Detecting relic gravitational waves in the CMB: The contamination caused by the cosmological birefringence | Wen Zhao, Mingzhe Li | Phys.Lett.B737,329-334 arXiv: 1402.4324 [astro-ph.CO] |
USTC-ICTS-14-05 | The Statistics of Vacuum Geometry | Melissa Duncan, Wei Gu, Yang-Hui He, Da Zhou | JHEP06(2014)042 arXiv:1402.3162[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-04 | On the modification of phase structure of black D6 branes in canonical ensemble and its origin | J. X. Lu, J. Ouyang, Shibaji Roy | Phys.Rev.D90 (2014) 066003 arXiv:1401.4343 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-03 | Quantum geometry of del Pezzo surfaces in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit | Min-xin Huang, Albrecht Klemm, Jonas Reuter, Marc Schiereck | JHEP 1502 (2015) 031 arXiv:1401.4723[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-14-02 | One Electron Atom in Special Relativity with de Sitter Space-Time Symmetry (II):−−Higher Order Contributions | Mu-Lin Yan | Commun.Theor.Phys.62(2014)189-195 |
USTC-ICTS-14-01 | Understanding the gravitational and cosmological redshifts as Doppler shifts by gravitational phase factors | Mingzhe Li | arXiv:1401.5337[hep-th] |