Preprint | Title | Author | Journal |
USTC-ICTS-10-24 | Metamaterials Mimicking Dynamic Spacetime, D-brane and Noncommutativity in String Theory | Rong-Xin Miao, Rui Zheng, Miao Li | arXiv:1005.5585v2 [physics.optics] Phys.Lett.B696: 550-555, 2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-22 | Tunneling of massive particles from noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole | Yan-Gang Miao, Zhao Xue, Shao-Jun Zhang | arXiv:1012.2426v1 [hep-th] Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 44 (2012) 555-566 |
USTC-ICTS-10-21 | Massive charged particle's tunneling from spherical charged black hole | Yan-Gang Miao, Zhao Xue, Shao-Jun Zhang | arXiv:1012.0390v2 [hep-th] Europhys.Lett.96:10008,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-20 | A dark energy model alternative to generalized Chaplygin gas | Hoavo Hova, Huanxiong Yang | arXiv:1011.4788v1 [astro-ph.CO] |
USTC-ICTS-10-18 | Kinetic approach to triangle anomaly in hydrodynamics | Shi Pu, Jian-hua Gao, Qun Wang | Phys.Rev.D83:094017,2011 arXiv:1008.2418v2 [nucl-th] |
USTC-ICTS-10-17 | Baryon formation and dissociation in dense hadronic and quark matter | Jin-cheng Wang, Qun Wang, Dirk H. Rischke | arXiv:1008.4029v3 [nucl-th] Phys. Lett. B704, 347–353(2011) |
USTC-ICTS-10-16 | Dilepton production in strongly coupled quark gluon plasma | Jian Deng, Qun Wang, Nu Xu, Pengfei Zhuang | arXiv:1009.3091v1 [nucl-th] Phys. Lett. B701, 581-586 (2011) |
USTC-ICTS-10-15 | Spin-one color superconductors: collective modes and effective Lagrangian | Jin-yi Pang, Tomas Brauner, Qun Wang | arXiv:1010.1986v1 [nucl-th] Nucl.Phys.A852:175-196,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-14 | Growth factor in $f(T)$ gravity | Rui Zheng, Qing-Guo Huang | arXiv:1010.3512v2 [gr-qc] JCAP 1103:002,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-13 | The origin of light $0^{+}$ scalar resonances | Zhi-YongZhou,Zhiguang Xiao | arXiv:1007.2072[hep-th] Phys.Rev.D83:014010,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-12 | Phase structure of black branes in grand canonical ensemble | J. X. Lu, Shibaji Roy and Zhiguang Xiao | JHEP 1105:091,2011 arXiv:1011.5198[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-10-11 | Phase transitions and critical behavior of black branes in canonical ensemble | J. X. Lu, Shibaji Roy, Zhiguang Xiao | arXiv:1010.2068v1[hep-th] JHEP 1101:133,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-10 | Cosmological evolution of a D-brane | Huiquan Li | arXiv:1010.4099[hep-th] Phys. Rev. D 83, 066002 (2011) |
USTC-ICTS-10-09 | On primordial trispectrum from exchanging scalar modes in general multiple field inflationary models | Xian Gao, Chunshan Lin | JCAP 1011:035(2010) arXiv:1009.1311v1[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-10-08 | Instability by Chern-Simons and/or Transgressions | H.Lu, Zhao-Long Wang | arXiv:1007.2654v1[hep-th] JCAP 1104:019,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-07 | Instability by Chern-Simons and/or Transgressions | H.Lu, Zhao-Long Wang | JHEP 1009:112(2010) arXiv:1006.1425[hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-10-06 | Exploring the Latest Union2 SNIa Dataset by Using Model-Independent Parametrization Methods | Shuang Wang, Xiao-Dong Li, Miao Li | arXiv:1009.5837v2 [astro-ph.CO] Phys.Rev.D83:023010,2011 |
USTC-ICTS-10-05 | The Entropy Puzzle and the Quark Combination Model | Jun Song, Zuo-Tang Liang, Yu-xin Liu, Feng-Lan Shao, Qun Wang | Phys.Rev.C81,057901(2010) arXiv:1001.2801[nucl-th] |
USTC-ICTS-10-04 | Calabi-Yau (p+1)-folds from p-folds | H. Lu, Zhao-Long Wang | J.Geom.Phys.60:1741-1753,2010 arXiv:1004.3468v1 [hep-th] |
USTC-ICTS-10-03 | Quadra-Spectrum and Quint-Spectrum from Inflation and Curvaton Models | Chunshan Lin, Yi Wang | JCAP 1007:011,2010 arXiv:1004.0461v2 [astro-ph.CO] |
USTC-ICTS-10-02 | Cosmic Age Test in Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models Mimicking $\Lambda$CDM on the Light-Cone | Mi-Xiang Lan, Miao Li, Xiao-Dong Li, Shuang Wang | Phys.Rev.D82(2010)023516 arXiv:1002.0978[hep-ph] |
USTC-ICTS-10-01 | M-Theory Embedding of Topologically Massive Gravity | H.Lu, Zhao-Long Wang | Int.J.Mod.Phys.D19:1197-1203,2010 arXiv:1001.2349[hep-ph] |