USTC-ICTS-08-25A new approach to bulk viscosity in strange quark matter at high densitiesShou-wan Chen, Hui Dong, Qun Wang

J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36 064050 (2009)

arXiv:0812.3469 [astro-ph]

USTC-ICTS-08-24BCS-BEC crossover in a relativistic boson-fermion model beyond mean field approximationJian Deng, Jin-cheng Wang, Qun Wang


arXiv:0803.4360 [hep-ph]

USTC-ICTS-08-23Reconstructing $f(R)$ Theory from Ricci Dark EnergyChao-Jun Feng


arXiv:0812.2067 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-22Holographic Gas as Dark EnergyMiao Li, Xiao-Dong Li, Chunshan Lin, Yi Wang

Communications in Theoretical Physics 2009 Vol.51 No.01 181-186

arXiv:0811.3332 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-21Reconstructing Quintom from Ricci Dark EnergyChao-Jun Feng


0810.2594 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-20Statefinder Diagnosis for Ricci Dark EnergyChao-Jun Feng

Phys.Lett.B 670(2008)231-234

0809.2502 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-19D4 brane probes in gauge/gravity dualityYang Zhou


0809.1360 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-18Curvaton Dynamics and the Non-Linearity Parameters in Curvaton ModelQing-Guo Huang, Yi Wang

JCAP 0809(2008)025

0808.1168 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-17On the low energy brane/anti-brane dynamicsJ. X. Lu, Bo Ning, Guan-Nan Zhong

Phys.Lett.B 670(2008)78-83


USTC-ICTS-08-15Reconstruction of the isocurvaton scenario.Miao Li,Chunshan Lin0807.4352 [astro-ph]
USTC-ICTS-08-14AdS WormholesA. Bergman, H. Lu, Jianwei Mei, C.N. Pope


0808.2481 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-13Consistency Relations for Non-Gaussianity.Miao Li, Yi Wang

JCAP 0809(2008)018

0807.3058 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-12From N M2's to N D2's.Yi Pang, Tower Wang


0807.1444 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-11Ricci-Flat and Charged Wormholes in Five Dimensions.Hong Lu, Jianwei Mei



USTC-ICTS-08-10Interpreting N M2 branes.Yang Zhou0807.0890 [hep-th]
USTC-ICTS-08-09Eternal Inflation: Prohibited by Quantum Gravity?Yi Wang0805.4520 [hep-th]
USTC-ICTS-08-08Ricci Dark Energy in Brans-Dicke theoryChao-Jun Feng0806.0673 [hep-th]
USTC-ICTS-08-07M2-branes Coupled to Antisymmetric Fluxes.Miao Li, Tower Wang

JHEP 0807(2008)093

0805.3427 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-06Mass Deformation of the Multiple M2 Branes TheoryYushu Song0805.3193 [hep-th]
USTC-ICTS-08-05Transverse momentum broadening of heavy quark and gluon energy loss in Sakai-Sugimoto model.Yi Pang

JHEP 0810 (2008) 041

0805.4052 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-04Non-Gaussianity, Isocurvature Perturbation, Gravitational Waves and a No-Go Theorem for IsocurvatonMiao Li, Chunshan Lin, Tower Wang, Yi Wang

Phys. Rev. D 79, 063526 (2009)

0805.1299 [astro-ph]

USTC-ICTS-08-03Two-field K?hler moduli inflation on large volume moduli stabilizationHuan-Xiong Yang, Hong-Liang Ma

JCAP 0808(2008)024

0804.3653 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-02High spin baryon in hot strongly coupled plasmaMiao Li, Yang Zhou, Push Pu

JHEP 0810(2008)010

0805.1611 [hep-th]

USTC-ICTS-08-01Primordial Non-Gaussianities of General Multiple Field InflationXian Gao

JCAP 0806(2008)029

0804.1055 [astro-ph]