Preprint | Title | Author | Journal | USTC-ICTS-02-05 | decay beyond the standard model | Ji-Hao Jiang, Gao Dao-Neng, Mu-Lin Yan | Mod.Phys.Lett.A18:977-982,2003 hep-ph/0304111 | USTC-ICTS-02-04 | Charge asymmetry in induced by the electromagnetic penguin operators | Dao-Neng Gao | Phys.Rev.D67:074028,2003 hep-ph/0212280 | USTC-ICTS-02-03 | Massive complex scalar field in the Kerr–Sen geometry: Exact solution of wave equation and Hawking radiation | S.Q.Wu and X.Cai | J.Math.Phys.44(2003)1084-1088;gr-qc/0303075 PDFÏÂÔØ | USTC-ICTS-02-02 | The membrane at the end of the(de Sitter)Universe | A Batrachencko, M.J.Duff&J.X.Lu | Nucl. Phys. B762(2007)95 hep-th/0212186 | USTC-ICTS-02-01 | NCOS and D-branes in time-dependent Backgrounds | Rong-Gen Cai, Jian-Xin Lu, Nobuyoshi Ohta | Phys.Lett.B551:178-186,2003 hep-th/0210206 |