Junbao Wu, Fermionic BPS Wilson loops in four-dimensional superconformal field theories, Jul. 26, 2022

Topic: Fermionic BPS Wilson loops in four-dimensional superconformal field theories

Speaker: Prof. Junbao Wu

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Tuesday, Jul. 26


Abstract: Fermionic BPS Wilson loops (WLs) are important in the study of three-dimensional super-Chern-Simons theories and AdS4/CFT3 correspondence. In this talk, I will introduce the first construction of such fermionic WLs in N=2 superconformal SU(N)*SU(N) quiver theory and N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. The connections of these fermionic BPS Wilson have a supermatrix structure. We construct timelike BPS Wilson lines in Minkowski spacetime and circle BPS Wilson loops in Euclidean space. These Wilson loops involve dimensionful parameters. For generic values of parameters, they preserve one real (complex) supercharge in Lorentzian (Euclidean) signature. Supersymmetry enhancement for Wilson loops happens when the parameters satisfy certain constraints. This talk is based on joint work arXiv:2205.01348 done with Hao Ouyang.