Caichang Li, Modular invariant lepton models in metaplectic cover of Σ(168) modular group, Aug. 18, 2022

Topic: Modular invariant lepton models in metaplectic cover of Σ(168) modular group

Speaker: Prof. Caichang Li

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, Aug. 18

Abstract: We perform a comprehensive study of metaplectic cover of S(168) modular group. The rational weight and level 7 modular forms have been constructed up to weight 2 and they are decomposed into the irreducible representations of S(168)×Z7 . Then we perform a systematical analysis of the S(168)×Z7 modular models for lepton masses and mixing. The phenomenologically viable models with minimal number of free parameters and the results of fit are presented. We find out over a hundred models with 8 real free parameters which can accommodate the experimental data of lepton sector. After including generalized CP symmetry, one viable models with 6 free parameters is found out.