Yang Li, Hadron spectroscopy and structures from light-front QCD, May. 25, 2023

Topic: Hadron spectroscopy and structures from light-front QCD

Speaker: Prof. Yang Li

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, May25


Abstract: Light-front QCD provides a unified framework to access hadron spectra and structures that are relevant to recent and forthcoming experiments, e.g. STCF, Belle II and EIC. In this talk, I will review recent progress in this fertilizing field, with an emphasis on basis light-front quantization (BLFQ), a formulation of light-front QCD based on the quantum many-body dynamics and the holographic view of QCD. I will show that results from the first approximations already provide adequate description of hadron spectra and structures, such as the leptonic & radiative widths, form factors, parton distributions and TMDs. I will also mention the prospects to ab initio light-front QCD in the supercomputing era.