Kai Yan, Novel Aspects of Energy Correlators in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory, January 4, 2024

Topic:Novel Aspects of Energy Correlators in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

Speaker: Prof. Kai Yan

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, January 4


Abstract: The Energy Correlator observables probe the geometric distributions of energy flow in the final states of particle scattering experiments. They provide valuable data for studies ranging from conformal field theories to jet substructure, and a potential playground for novel onshell methods in scattering amplitudes. We introduce a new approach for computing higher-point correlators in the small-angle limit from the super form factor of protected scalar operators in N=4 SYM and obtain a new analytic result for the four-point correlator at leading order.  The approach exploits integration-by-parts relations for finite integrals and operates directly in parameter space. We anticipate the LO results to uncover hidden simplicity at higher-loop orders and provide experiences for observables in QCD relevant for the collider physics program.