Topic: Higher Form and Higher Group Symmetries via Mirror Symmetry
Speaker: Tenure-track Assist. Prof. Xin Wang
Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, February 27
Abstract: In this work, we discuss a connection between the 1-form and 2-group symmetries of 5D SCFTs obtained from geometric engineering and the monodromies of the corresponding B-models via mirror symmetry. I will first review the basic concept of higher-form symmetry in quantum field theory and explain how the one-form symmetry is calculated for a 5D SCFT. I will then review the realization of supersymmetric Wilson loops in 5D SCFTs from M-theory. Through mirror symmetry, the 1-form symmetry at the level of partition functions can be understood as part of the monodromies of the B-models. Finally, I will talk about the applications of our findings for 5D supergravity theories.