Ling-Yan Hung, An application of tensor networks : understanding the AdS/CFT correspondence and aspects of quantum gravity, Apr.2,2021 2021-03-31
Zhizhong Xing, Fermion masses: why small and how small, Mar.26,2021 2021-03-18
Qingdi Wang, Fix “the worst prediction in the history of physics” , Dec. 18, 2020 2020-12-14
Bartek Czech, A holographic formalism for gravity, Dec.13,2019 2019-12-13
Pei-Ming Ho, Spacetime Geometry of Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines, Nov.8,2019 2019-11-08
Henry Sze-Hoi Tye, Are Diamonds Forever? Oct.11,2019 2019-10-11
Yi Yin, The voyages of discovery in the QCD phase diagram: the search for the critical point and new theoretical framework for critical dynamics, Sep.20,2019 2019-09-20
Zhou-jian Cao, Gravitational waveform template and beyond, Sep.6,2019 2019-09-06
Shigeki Sugimoto, Strong Interaction and Holography. Jun.28,2019 2019-06-28
Shigeki Sugimoto, 2 dim QED and String Theory, Jun.27,2019 2019-06-27
Ellis Yuan, Scattering in AdS and Its Flat Spacetime Limit, Jun.20,2019 2019-06-20
Jiaju Zhang, Subsystem Trace Distance in Conformal Field Theory , Jun.14,2019 2019-06-14
Lilin Yang, Precision Higgs Physics at LHC and Higgs Factories, Jun.13,2019 2019-06-13
Anzhong Wang, Towards the Understanding of Big Bang Singularity from Loop Quantum Gravity, Jun.11,2019 2019-06-11
Kai Chang, Emergent gauge field and quantum phase in semiconductor quantum structure, Jun.6,2019 2019-06-06
Hiroshi Itoyama, Successes and Challenges in Quantum Field Theory, May 31,2019 2019-05-31