Vijay Balasubramanian, Quantum entanglement as a probe of hidden physics, May20,2019 2019-05-20
Si-Jie Gao, First law and Smarr formula of black hole mechanics in nonlinear gauge theories , May 16, 2019 2019-05-16
Chao-Qiang Geng, The Party of Particle Physics and Cosmology is NOT OVER YET! May10,2019 2019-05-10
Muxin Han, Emergent Gravity from Spinfoam Models, May9,2019 2019-05-09
Bin Chen, Spin and Quadrupole Couplings in IMRACs, April 28,2019 2019-04-28
Shan-Gui Zhou, Existence limit of neutrons and Exploration of new elements, April 26,2019 2019-04-26
Shu Lin, quantum chaos and transports in holographic magnetized plasma, April 25,2019 2019-04-25
Qing-Hong Cao, Measuring Higgs Property at the LHC and e+e- Collider, April 23,2019 2019-04-23
Jiang-Ping Hu, Breakthrough in the mechanism of unconventional high-temperature superconductivity, April 19,2019 2019-04-19
Chang-Pu Sun, Dark Information of Black Hole Radiation, April 18,2019 2019-04-18
Niklas Mueller, Chiral transport phenomena: From QCD to Quantum Simulators, April 16,2019 2019-04-16
Hua-Tong Nie, Torsional Topological Invariants, April 12,2019 2019-04-12
HuaXing Zhu, Energy Correlators in QCD: where Jet Physics Meet Conformal Field Theory, April 11,2019 2019-04-11
Hua-Tong Nie, Einstein-Cartan-Kibble-Sciama Theory of Gravitation, April 9,2019 2019-04-09
Francesco Becattini, Vorticity and polarization in the Quark Gluon Plasma (Review Talk), April 5,2019 2019-04-05
Jian Zhou, TMD evolution at small x, April 4,2019 2019-04-04